Cleanster: With top-notch service, leave the cleaning to Cleanster, hassle-free!

The Cleanster facts you see here were updated 16h ago. We currently have 2 active community members who are sharing reviews, discussions, problems, and experiences about shopping at
About Cleanster informations

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Based on Rummmor's rating calculations, we found that Cleanster has the best ‘ordering’ rating with an average score of 5, who have the same score than the average ‘ordering rating of its competitors. While the worst rating is in terms of ‘service with an average score of 5 which is lower than the average ‘service’ rating of its competitors.
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Here are some facts and highlights about Cleanster that you might not know:

  • Has been serving for 5 years. Cleanster has been serving customers and running its business for approximately 5 years. This is an important reference in assessing whether this merchant is credible or scam.
  • Cleanster customer support. If you need customer support from Cleanster, you can send an email to [email protected]. In addition, you can also contact Cleanster through their social media: Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube & Twitter
  • Delivered digitally to customers. Using the Cleanster service is quite easy. You can download the app on your phone or computer. Then, you can choose what services you need and select the person who will handle the cleaning service at your place.
  • Is Cleanster legit? Several customers from Cleanster before you have also asked whether Cleanster is safe, trustworthy and legitimate to shop at The good and bad things always happen. There are customers who get the best satisfaction, and there are customers who have bad experiences when shopping. So if you are still unsure when shopping at Cleanster, do some in-depth research before shopping. Reading the Cleanster discussions in our forum might help you make an informed decision.

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Cleanster customer reviews


My chaotic house became clean again!

My parents had a house party a few months ago. Woah so many kids and teenagers... My house was so messy and there was trash everywhere. Because I was too tired,... read more

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